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Dubbo College

Bright Futures

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Senior Campus Mobile Phone Policy

Mobile Phone and Device Policy

Policy Context

As part of an election commitment in 2023, the NSW Government introduced a policy banning mobile phones from NSW government schools.  At Dubbo College Senior Campus, all school policies are underpinned by the school's values of Respect, Integrity, Strive and Equity.

Dubbo College Senior Campus has an "off and away, bell to bell" approach for the full school day including recess and lunch.  This means students will have responsibility to turn off their phones (and accompanying air pods/earphones) on or before the period one bell and store them safely in their school bag or locker for the course of the school day.  After the period six bell, students are able to switch on their mobile phone and utilise accessories, including air pods and earphones.

This also applies to school assemblies, excursions and events, unliess an excemption is made by the principal.  If this is the case, information will be included in the excursion permission form.

This will also mean:

  • During study periods, students in the Charles Newman Centre for Learning (library), MLEC or Strive room must refrain from using their mobile phones and airpods but are able to use other digital tools (such as laptops and library issued head phones) to support their learning.
  • During recess and lunch, students must refrain from using their mobile phones and air pods on our school site. Students are encouraged to take the opportunity to engage with their peers and to have digital break to enhance their health and wellbeing. Payments for purchases at the cafeteria and at our school office can be made using case or debit cards.

Students who have their mobile phone, air pods or earphones out will receive the following consequences"

Device seen or heard during lesson, study or tutoring (between period 1-6)  - mobile phone, air pods and/or earphones will be confiscated by staff; parent/guardian will be notified by text message, and the phone will only be released to the parent/guardian.

Failure to comply or second incident - mobile phone, air pods and/or earphones will be confiscated by staff; parent/guardian will be notified by text message, and the phone will only be released to the parent/guardian. The student will be placed on a Formal Caution of Suspension.

Third incident - mobile phone, air pods and/or earphones will be confiscated by staff; parent/guardian will be notified by text message, and the phone will only be released to the parent/guardian. Student suspended for Misuse of Technology.


As a school community, we understand there may be student who have additional medical, wellbeing or learning needs which require them to access a mobile phone. Parents or carers will need to contact their child's deputy Principal and complete and submit an exemption form, which if approved, will ensure they appropriate school-based plan is completed and communicated appropriately.

Contacting Students

Out school community understands there will always be emergencies when parents need to contact students or vice versa, during the school day.  We try to keep this to a minimum, with the exception of emergencies, to avoid impacting students learning. Parents and carers can make contact with the school through the school office on 6882 4655 or via email dubbo-h.school@det.nsw.edu.au and students will also be able to contact parents and carers through the school office if urgent.

The school accepts no responsibility for mobile phones that are brought to school.