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Dubbo College

Dubbo College

Bright Futures

Telephone02 6885 2300

EmailPlease see campus email addresses below

South Campus Mobile Phones


The NSW Government has restricted the use of mobile phones in NSW schools.  

The mobile devices management plan at Dubbo College “Off and Away – Bell to Bell” will apply to all student mobile devices and Air Pods/earphones. It will apply during all school hours, including break times such as during lunch and recess, as well as while students are on school-based excursions.

Students will still be able to carry their devices while travelling to and from school.

School staff can allow students to use their mobile devices in specific circumstances, such as for an educational purpose.

Pouches are available for purchase to help students self-regulate their phone and Air Pod/earphone use, please contact the school if requiring one.

Students who have their mobile phone, Air Pods or earphones out will receive the following consequences:

Level 1 – First incident

Device seen or heard before school, during a lesson or during recess/lunch –mobile phone, Air Pods and/or earphones will be confiscated by staff; parent/guardian will be notified, and the phone will only be released to the parent/guardian. The student will receive a Deputy Principal warning.

Level 2 - Failure to comply or second incident

Mobile phone, Air Pods and/or earphones will be confiscated by staff; parent/guardian will be notified, and the phone will only be released to the parent/guardian. The student will be placed on a Formal Caution of Suspension.

Level 3 - Third incident or continued failure to comply

Mobile phone, Air Pods and/or earphones will be confiscated by staff; parent/guardian will be notified, and the phone will only be released to the parent/guardian. Student suspended for Misuse of Technology.

Contacting Students

Our school community understands there will always be emergencies when parents need to get in contact with students or vice versa during the school day. We try to keep this to a minimum, except for emergencies, to avoid impacting students’ learning. Parents and carers can contact the school through the school office 6882 3744 or


and students will also be able to contact parents and carers through the school office if urgent.

The school accepts no responsibility for mobile phones that are brought to school.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the school directly on 68823744.