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Dubbo College

Dubbo College

Bright Futures

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South Campus P&C

Dubbo College has an active Parents & Citizens Association (P&C) that contributes significantly to the life of the College and the many opportunities that are offered to students across Dubbo College. Our P&C is made up of dedicated parents and carers, who meet to discuss and plan how best the P&C can aid the college's current and future needs. It is a community of parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, teachers and staff as well members of the local community who are working together to provide opportunities for the benefit of our students.


The meetings provide a forum which enables parents to voice their opinions, discuss options and initiate change and through which the college can obtain input into the policies and procedures used to effectively run the college. The meetings held are informative and include a report from each campus principal. In addition guest presentations are held on issues that are of interest and concern to parents. Items such as curriculum changes, drug and alcohol awareness, excursions, buses.

Dubbo College P&C meets the 3rd Monday of the month at 6pm at Dubbo College Senior Campus Library.


President: Shaun Barker
Vice-President (Delroy Campus): Tenelle Bond
Vice-President (South Campus): Caroline Bromham
Vice-President (Senior Campus): Sally Neslon
Secretary: James Eddy
Treasurer: Rod Crowfoot


Substantial financial support is just one way in which the P&C assists the school. This is achieved through fundraising activities. These funds contribute towards the purchase of educational resources and equipment, and to improvements within the school's grounds.

How have P&C funds helped in the past?

Our campus P&Cs have provided funds for a variety of resources for the College. These include sports equipment, computers and technology, literacy and numeracy resources, signage, and support for students attending representative activities.

How does becoming a member help my child?

As well as being personally rewarding, volunteering your time can show your child the value of community work and invoke a sense of community spirit. Supporting your school by taking part in discussion and keeping informed with activities within the school will help in the directions of the school community. And of course your child directly benefits from the resources and programs the P & C funds provide and support within the school.