06 Dec 2018

A special education music night at Dubbo College has raised $285 for the Royal Flying Doctor Service, with the cheque presented last week.
The brainchild of Year 12 student Jackson Murray, the concert was staged in the Senior Campus cafeteria last month, with special education student musicians combining with mainstream student musicians.
The audience enjoyed a night of entertainment, while students gained valuable performance experience in front of their peers and members of the community.
Jackson, who is also a volunteer at the Royal Flying Doctor Service base at Dubbo airport, thought it would be good to mark the end of his school education with a concert to thank parents, students and staff of the college.
“We decided to charge a $5 entry fee with all funds donated to the Royal Flying Doctor Service,” he said.
“It was a fabulous night and we had great support from the community.”
Jackson said he began volunteering at the RFDS in 2013, with his father introducing him to the organisation.
“Dad has been a regular on the Outback Car Trek, which is a major fundraiser for the RFDS,” Jackson said.
“I did portions of the annual trek with dad and met Terry Clarke, who has been heavily involved in fundraising and support for the RFDS.
“I began volunteering at the Dubbo base in 2013 and this year I have been doing work experience here for three hours on Tuesday afternoons and volunteer work for four hours on Saturdays.
“I show visitors around the facility and complete a range of jobs from making tea and coffee through to watering plants.
“I’m really looking forward to the opening of the new facilities in mid-2019, especially the new visitor and school education centre.”
Dubbo RFDS support group president Terry Clarke said the organisation was grateful for the support of Dubbo College and commended Jackson and his fellow students on a great concert at Senior Campus.
Mr Clarke said the new multi-million dollar RFDS centre would also incorporate medical and aviation training facilities, medical management, tele-health and patient flow centres, a function centre to sit 300, as well as a café.