11 Dec 2017

A 15-year-old Dubbo College student who took on public speaking a year ago has just been to the Junior State Debating Championships in Sydney.
Year 9 student Harrison Crowfoot said he began debating at Dubbo College Delroy Campus, under the guidance of debating coach Emma Booth.
"I first started debating about a year ago and found I really enjoyed the experience," Harrison said.
"I like getting up and speaking in front of people and I find debating to be a great teaching and learning experience.
"I'm interested in learning new information and I'm especially keen on looking at different methods of delivering arguments to different audiences and adjudicators."
Harrison began debating as part of the Delroy team, which took on Dubbo College South Campus, Coonabarabran and Coonamble High Schools, as well as another Delroy team in the local competition.
After winning that competition the team went on to debate Orange, Bathurst and Molong High Schools, where Harrison was selected by a regional coordinator, as one of five to represent the region at the state debating finals.
Recently he travelled to Sydney as part of the Year 9 and 10 regional team to take part in the state debating competition, where he found the standard to be high.
"I really learned a lot while I was at state debating and it was a great experience for me," he said.
"I learned about structuring arguments, believability and how to complete your case in a way that leaves no question unanswered."
Harrison said he intended to continue debating at Delroy Campus in 2018, and possibly continue his involvement in debating at Senior Campus in 2019 and 2020.
His aim for the future is to become involved in some way in the agricultural industry.